Black Women and Infertility…

Recent climates about Black Lives in America has also brought forward the grave issue of Maternal Health in America. While this is not a new issue, it is still clear that African American women die in childbirth 4 times more often than their non-black counterparts. What we are not hearing much about is the infertility rates in the African American community.

There is this misconception that black women are generally more fertile, and because of this treatment is not offered as early as it would be for other women.

According to FertilityIQ

  1. African American women record dramatically higher rates of infertility compared with other races.

  2. African American women report being roughly four to six times more likely than Caucasian women to have trouble paying for care, finding time for appointments or locating a doctor with whom they feel comfortable.

  3. African American Women are more likely to have less successful fertility rates, higher rates of miscarriage, fibroids, and preeclampsia.

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So why isn’t there more of an urgency you say? As we talk about our history and slavery in America, black women have been historically thought of and raised to be strong, resilient and rely on the Lord to resolve any struggles in life. While our non-black sisters look for OPTIONS, SOLUTION and CHANGE.

At Magdala, we provide fertility support for all women. Let’s talk about your options! Mamas in the making who may have primary fertility issues, secondary fertility, miscarriage and pregnancy after loss. Are you struggling to conceive? Do you need emotional support? Would you like help with resources on fertility? We are here for you! Click here for our FREE Simple Steps to Improve Your Fertility TODAY, or schedule a FREE Consultation!


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